About DC Lactation
Ariel is a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). She is a mother of four including a set of twins. She started her work in lactation in peer support groups and then trained in both hospital and outpatient lactation to best support her clients. Ariel specializes in:
- prenatal education
- latch and breastfeeding support in the early days
- tongue ties and oral challenges
- bottle refusal
- pumping and back to work
- twins and multiples
DC Lactation accepts most insurance and will not charge a travel fee.
Please use this link to confirm your coverage if you have Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, Humana, Providers Network of America or a Multiplan: https://go.lactationnetwork.com/DCLactation.
If you have Cigna please use this link to confirm coverage: https://portal.wildflowerhealth.net/affiliate-care/262eb35.
If you have Aetna in DC please reach out and DC Lactation will confirm coverage.
Patients paying cash will pay $250 for an initial home visit, $200 for a follow up and $125 for a telemedicine visit.
Prior to a home visit, families fill out a HIPAA compliant intake form with their goals and priorities. Most visits entail a weighted feed where we can evaluate the baby's milk transfer and strategize about parent and infants' comfort.
Ariel Rubin